C&S 20181021

Please Pray for:
Johnny Dahse (friend of Will Ammons) had heart surgery Oct. 17.
Mike Krebsbach (former member living in Germany now) recently had surgery.
Russell Lee (former member) has had major heart problems and had another stent surgery Oct. 16 in Lake Jackson.
Wanda Marlin is still experiencing severe stomach issues.
Jack & Iola Moore (Randy’s parents): Iola’s receiving iron infusion treatments in prep for upcoming surgery. Pray Jack stays strong physically and spiritually.
Sandra Mullins recently had exploratory surgery.
Adriana Phillips (friend of Tanya Ammons) had major surgery and is facing a long road of recovery.


C&S 20181014

Please Pray for:
Debbie Williamson (friend of Joann Taylor and retired local teacher) is recovering from complications after a procedure. Charles Henderson (father of Dana Young) is doing well after surgery.  Continue to pray for the hurdles ahead in his healing.


C&S 20181007

Please Pray for:

Tiffany Baker had follow-up shoulder surgery last week. Ethan Hausberger (7 yr. old in South Africa known by Donna-Marie Lee) as finished several rounds of treatments. He has received over 100 treatmenhttps://www.ljchurch.org/cs-20181007.pdf/ts this year. Please pray that he will quickly regain his strength and that his cancer is gone. Ever Johnson (friend of Donna-Marie Lee) continues to receive regular chemo treatments although his cancer is in remission. He struggles with side effects including neuropathy, pain, a lowered immune system and emotional ups and downs. Carleta Mulkey (Linda Hickl’s 86 yr. old mother) had successful hip replacement surgery in Boise, ID. Please pray for her continued healing and recovery.

Luke Nelson (5 yr. old cancer patient for whom we’ve been praying for) continues to struggle with cancer. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.


WN 20181003

It’s a Girl! Landry Joe Ritchie Born Monday, October 1 7 lbs. 9 oz. Proud Parents: Drew & Cathryn Ritchie Proud Grandparents: Joe & Karen Phillips Allen & Sharon Ritchie


C&S 20180930

Please Pray for:
Henry Bagwell (Kim Reber’s uncle) is in a nursing home on hospice care.
Maggie Stroman (our former custodian) was hospitalized last week with heart problems, but is now home.
John & Kelly Swallow are going through some tough times. Please keep them in your prayers.