CS 20190602

Sermon Series:  Focusing the Vision – God’s Vision for Governments

CS 20190526

Welcome Baby Creed Juliet Marie Creed Arrived May 15th Weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. & 20 ½” long Parents are: Alyse and Jason Creed Proud Grandparents: Sharon and Allen Ritchie
Please Pray for:
Maria Torres- friend of Joann Taylor, has some serious health issues and will be having surgery in the near future.
Shirley McKinney- Mother of Dawn Smithy, had major back surgery and is struggling with severe pain.
Candy Krest – Had surgery on Thursday to remove some skin cancer from her scalp.
Gary Webster – Had a heart cath done in April and had to have 3 stents. He has been at home recovering.
Patricia Prigge’s sister-in-law Margaret, has stage 4 lung cancer and asked for prayers.

CS PDF 20190519

Lillian is our children’s intern this summer! She attends school at Midwestern State University where she is working to get a degree in Music Education so she can be a band director.  She grew up in Fredericksburg, Tx where she got involved with Camp Bandina.  Lillian shared that she “loves camp and the connections you can make with people who love God just as much as you do”. She’s very excited to make friends with all the children and have a lot of fun together this summer.
Please Pray for: Maria Torres- friend of Joann Taylor, has some serious health issues and will be having some tests this week. Please keep her in your prayers.

CS 20190512

Brayden James Bruner Arrived 4/26/19 Weighing 7lbs, 5oz. and 20in. long Proud parents: Kristina & John Bruner Big brother- Jackson Big Sister – Avery Very Happy Grandparents: Frank & Linda Hickl
Sunday May 19th – Graduation Services Honoring Our Seniors Immediately following morning services, we will have a sandwich luncheon in the Fellowship Hall including interviews and senior slide shows. Then we will move into D-Hall for dessert reception.
2019 Seniors:
Kevin Davis (Brazoswood)
Andrea German (West Columbia)
Kristopher Hunter (Brazoswood)
Kaylee McNutt (West Columbia)
Jadon Moreno (Brazoswood)

CS 20190505

Please Pray for:
Sylvia Haro – Prayers for good test results.
Rosalind Waddy – Prayers for good test results.
Marriage Night May 17th 7-10 pm
Cost is $15.00 per person

CS 20190428

Please pray for:
Reese Mathis – 1 yr. old daughter, of Dara Frazier’s cousin, had surgery to remove a brain tumor on Monday and prognosis was very good.
Jack Moore – Randy’s dad – Is not eating and kidneys are beginning to shut down.
Iola Moore – Randy’s mother had surgery on Wed. and did well but is in a lot of pain.
Richard Austin- brother-in-law of Beth Pan, has cancer and has been placed on hospice care.
Dorothy Lee- Julie German’s mother, fell and broke the orbital bone around her eye. And has lost the eyesight in that eye.